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3rd Annual Masquerade Ball in support of ComKids Foundation

Photos by: George Pimentel

Event Photos


Portrait Studio

The 3rd annual Masquerade Ball was a huge success, raising over $415,000 this year and over 1 million + since inception to help support youth reach their full potential. Incredible sponsors made up of Toronto’s elite business leaders. Philanthropists, media and volunteers came together in gorgeous Casino Royale style at the historic Casa Loma in the heart of Toronto to celebrate the work of the ComKids Foundation in helping close the digital divide by providing much-needed owned personal technology, digital literacy, connectivity, and mentorship support for youth in underserved communities across Canada to help their school career and future lives. The growth of this event and cause has been remarkable over the last 3 years and continues to strengthen within the community and beyond.

ComKids mission is to help close the digital divide, supporting grade school students with technology, digital literacy workshops, mentorship, and connectivity in 8 provinces and 1 territory across Canada, reaching into Calgary this season and Halifax. Comkids helps youth thrive academically and reach their full potential in the future. ComKids workshops cover essential topics such as how to research, use PPT / Microsoft programs, mental health and online safety, content fact-checking and social media management, with an expansion into coding and AI. In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s crucial for kids to have access to an owned personal device, know how to use it effectively safely, and stay connected. We are committed to education and empowering the future leaders of our country.

ComKids’ mission is to engage youth facing digital exclusion by providing new technology and digital skills, ensuring all young people have an opportunity to thrive. For 25 years, ComKids has been supporting youth in underserved communities who are facing digital inequity; providing essential digital infrastructure, educational content, digital literacy, and support. To date, we have supported over 10,000 youth with our programming.

Content Partners: Civix, Google, TELUS wise and Springboard, HP Canada

School Board Partners: District School Board of Niagara | Ottawa Catholic School Board | Prince Albert Catholic School Division | Toronto District School Board | Wandering Spirits | Waterloo Catholic School Board | York Region District School Board | expanding into Calgary and Halifax School Boards

Community Organization Partnerships: SMILE| Pathways | Arab Community Centre of Toronto | Big Brothers Big Sisters | BGC of Canada | Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre |Delta Family Resource Centre | Inner City Outreach | Jewish Immigration Aid Service | Outside Looking In | Regent Park Community House Centre | Baycrest Community Centre | African Caribbean Canadian Association

To learn more about the work we’re doing to close the digital divide, please visit @comkidsca    https://comkids.ca/


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