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Here comes the boom: Easing your dog’s fear of fireworks

It’s summertime, and with summer comes stunning firework spectacles. And while we see fireworks as an exciting way to celebrate, our pups wholeheartedly disagree. Loud noises are a common source of fear and anxiety for many dogs (a phobia called noise aversion) and can cause them to panic, exhibit aggressive behavior, or even run away.

In keeping your dog’s wellbeing top of mind, we’ve compiled a few tips to keep your pup stress-free this summer season.

  • Keep your pup at home and inside. Don’t take your pup to a fireworks show or leave them outside while fireworks are happening. Not only will this leave your dog terrified, but it can also cause them to flee the scene.
  • Create a soundproof sanctuary. Close your blinds and curtains to prevent flashes of light from being seen and play calming music (pups prefer classical, soft rock, or reggae) or white noise to drown out the loud booms.
  • Provide appetizing enrichment activities. Providing a mentally stimulating activity like licking is a surefire way to distract your pup. Spread peanut butter on a lick mat or find a frozen dog treat recipe your dog will salivate over for hours of satisfying (and tasty!) enrichment for your pup.
  • Wear your pup out during the day. Take your pup on a long walk before the fireworks start or bring them into your local Dogtopia for a day of play so they can experience the Dogtopia Daze and sleep peacefully through the night of fireworks.
  • Consider consulting your veterinarian. If your dog’s anxiety during fireworks and other loud noises is severe and impacting their overall wellbeing, chat with your vet. They can discuss calming over-the-counter options or prescribe medications to help comfort and relax your pup.

With a little help, both you and your pup can have a fun, relaxing summer. If you’re looking for a safe place for your pup to play for the Fourth of July and beyond, find a Dogtopia near you today!

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