


Aging Backwards

Self-care tips and resources to help you live your best life

By Andrea Donsky

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mom lately as she’s been dealing with some health issues. Last weekend, I took her to the emergency because her blood pressure was high. Sitting in the waiting room, I couldn’t help but think about how each day is a gift. I believe in the power of gratitude and acknowledge my blessings daily. I just got a gratitude journal and am excited to start filling it out daily. But sometimes, when I pass a mirror, I have that fleeting moment of self-judgment, and I try to catch myself before I let it take over my thoughts. Thankfully, there’s so much we can do now to age gracefully.

Here are some things I’ve learned over the past 25 years as a health & wellness expert:

  • Exercise or move daily by walking and lifting to improve muscle strength, bone health, and balance.
  • Eat a whole-food diet. Emphasize food made in nature. Focus on protein, veggies, good-quality fats and oils, and low-glycemic fruits like berries.
  • Manage stress. Check out my podcast interview with Navaz Habib here.
  • Prioritize sleep. I talk about this a lot because it’s so crucial for us peri- and menopausal ladies. Check out this article about sleep. We also have our Morphus Sleepus & Magnesium supplements, which help to quiet your nervous system and improve sleep quality and quantity when taken consistently.
  • Stay mentally active. Whether you do brain puzzles or learn a new language, it’s important to keep your mind engaged and flexible.
  • Optimize hormone levels. Many of these lifestyle habits help, but if you are looking for menopause hormone therapy, check out this directory to find a practitioner near you.
  • Stay socially connected. Get together with friends, join a club, or volunteer in a community.
  • Minimize and be mindful of harmful habits like smoking or overindulging in ultra-processed foods and/or alcohol.
  • And go for regular check-ups. Find a compassionate doctor who understands women in perimenopause and menopause.

I sat down with Jennifer Scheinman, a registered dietician nutritionist who works for Timeline Nutrition. We discussed a postbiotic that helps the energy center in your cells “become younger.” The biology geek in me found this interview completely fascinating. You can watch it on YouTube or listen to the Apple Podcast.

Jennifer breaks down postbiotics in a way that’s easy to understand, making it more straightforward to grasp complicated topics like cellular health, aging skin, autophagy, mitophagy, ATP, and mitochondria.

Andrea Donsky

CEO & Co-Founder, Morphus


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